Friday, January 6, 2017

Feeling Renewed About Learning Targets

Happy New Year, everyone!  I thought I would get back to the basics and start blogging again to kick off 2017.  Can you believe it has been almost a year since my last blog entry?  Between my 11 year old, 8 year old, 7 year old, and 22 month old, I feel like life has officially taken me hostage. But with the start of a new year, I find myself with a renewed sense of purpose. I hope that you find yourself feeling the same way!

As an instructional coach, I feel it is imperative that I stay on top of my own professional learning.  This includes reading articles, books, blogs and watching webinars.  As I was sifting through some webinars on the Marzano Research page, I came across this beauty.  Renewed learnings for me in the webinar include:
  • Specific learning targets have a more powerful effect on student achievement than do general learning targets.  
  • There is a  difference between a learning target and an activity.
    • A learning target is a statement of what students will understand or be able to do.
    • Classroom activities are completed with guidance and feedback from the teacher.  

After reflecting on the above renewed learnings, I began to think about our students.  What if we intentionally post and refer to our learning targets on the board every day?  What if we all used the following format?   

As a result of what we do today, you will:
  • Understand-
  • Be able to-

Would this help our students feel a renewed sense of purpose about their own learning? (Insert deep thoughts emoji) Maybe the title of this entry should be Deep Thoughts!  Either way, I do hope that you think about ways you can renew your learning targets to kick off the start of a new year!

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