As I was sifting through literacy resources on ASCD’s Educational Leadership, I came across the article Reading, Writing, and Understanding by Vicki A. Jacobs. She asks this interesting question: Why hasn't the concept of secondary reading—also known as “reading and writing across the curriculum” and “content-area reading and writing”—become better rooted in our schools?
She also discusses multiple points:
This graphic further explains the interrelation among content learning goals, content reading and writing, and understanding:
Now, considering that this article was written in November of 2002, I find myself reflecting on these very same points in the year 2015. So I ask just how far have we come in recognizing reading and writing as meaning-making processes that can support our instructional learning goals? Would it be a fair assumption to make if I said that literacy has taken a back seat to the number of initiatives teachers are taking on? Well I say let’s get back to literacy. Below you will find several resources for you to use within your content areas.
Here are a few I chose to showcase:
Multiple Literacy Organizers (Copies available in the copy room)
Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning by Doug Buehl (A favorite of Career and Technical Education teachers.)
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