Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fix-Up Strategies

Sunday night Boston Red Sox manager John Farrell found himself becoming the first manager to be ejected out of a game after disputing a play that was reviewed on replay. It seems that major league baseball and the players' union have really monitored the errors of their umpires and made some adjustments with the implementation of their replay system.  All this to try and eliminate or fix the human error in umpiring decisions.  But yet, Farrell still found himself being ejected.  In similar ways, we know that good readers monitor and adjust their comprehension and understanding of a text as well. How can we model this for students who struggle with comprehending? What can we implement or adjust so students don't find themselves being Farrelled from their text? Here are a few resources put on replay to try and eliminate or fix-up  student errors in comprehension. 

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